"Clyde Lewis takes his Ground Zero style into new territories as host of the Unknown Zone
A Bold, New Investigative Video Series,
Explore's the Paranormal Mysteries of the New Millenium" 2003 UUFOH -SLC MUFON
FILM SHOWING:Length of show, 45 min.
An exclusive preview look into a exciting, new investigative series with Clyde Lewis -
"UNKNOWN ZONE" an EXCLUSIVE TV Pilot of a new investigative video series hosted by Clyde Lewis of GROUND ZERO Produced by Kevin P De Lullo of Rogue Entertainment
The first episode features:
Alien Dave- UUFOH, & his impressive Rose Park,Utah daylight UFO footage from 98',
Alan Meyer and his Orbs video, photos and investigations,
& The Utah Ghost Hunters Society in thier investigation of an antique store thats haunted by two ghosts. & Amazing EVP Analysis that kept us on the edge of our seats. Its sure was a hit with us! because of its concentration on Utah, and the people interviewed.
Producer Kevin De Lullo thanks UUFOH & SLC MUFON for their reviews and enthusiasm.
"Pushing the Edge of Investigative Video, Clyde Lewis rocks as host of The Unknown Zone,
A great show on Utah Paranormal, breaking into new territories with style. A must see!" UUFOH - SLC MUFON
"More data for ectoplasym and Orbs, - Overall, Cutting Edge -give rating of Good (B)"
"The show was well done and fun to watch, Clyde Lewis does a great job of asking the right questions, presenting evidence without sarcasm. Good footage too!"
"In specific spots I could feel the benevolent energy from the entities, In the masuleum & the antique store. I could also feel the energy shift. You did much more than create a video, you captured the energy as well. If you need further confirmation, please feel free to call me ---------- Dixie Allred"
"The layout and overall presentaion was excellent, The music was also great, By far the newest footage around, Clyde Lewis makes a great host for the Unknown Zone, I hope to see more!"
"Alien Dave's footage was cool! wish there was more of that, but Alan Meyers stuff was good too. The EVP was creepy, and the bit of humour was a welcome addition, I give it **** four stars"
Explores with evidence, the creation of a weather shield to deter UFOs from entering earth's atmosphere, as well as the erratic weather changes in recent years. Numerous UFO sightings are examined from a scientific viewpoint and a Chemtrail correlation is suggested.
Order illustrated book, $14.95 from Hancock House 1-800-938-1114
"Great work! showing a different view on the Chemtrail subject"
Film Recieved: Sept. 27th 2002 Thanks to: William Gazecki & Kim McDonald
A compelling and provocative feature-length documentary full of never-before-seen footage and interviews with leading Crop Circles researchers and scientists, some of whom agreed to be on camera for the first time. The film is an in-depth examination of prevailing theories about the origin and nature of Crop Circles and the possible implications for us and for the future of Planet Earth.
UUFOH was the first to show the film in Utah at their Oct. 19th MUFON - UUFOH Meeting.
A great turn out ! with as many as 20 showing to see this excellent film, at the first of two meetings planned that month. We discussed the film afterwards, and some wrote thier comments for Kim & William. We also discussed the Teton Cropcircle investigation performed by UUFOH.
Thanks to all that attended and participated. UUFOH & MUFON
Here's what The Utah UFO Hunters, wrote to producers William & Kim after seeing the film they gracously sent to us for review:
"We all had different impressions with this film. Thats what Cropcircles do to people, make them think."
"Teaching tools for the modern mind".
"This is a film informatively showing a beautiful and wondrous mystery, Cropcircles. Leaving the question of how and why open to discussion with an open mind, new perspectives, and a informative script.
We all learned something from this film. Impressive, Informative, Balanced, and Enlightening.
A well done, long over due documentary, Excellent work."
The Utah UFO Hunters
"Maybe its a mystery that is not supposed to be solved, kept unsolvable to keep us amazed with the wonderment of its beauty. Sacred geometry in its true form, Awakening those who experience them... to the idea that anything is possible." ....... Alien Dave
"The Mysterious Valley raises more questions than it ever attempts to answer. But that is its value and charm. . .
O'Brien's work offers a greater understanding. . ."
A must read for anyone wishing to find truth to the underground base subject, Informative, Eye opening, Revealing, Descriptive and Disturbing book. Alien Dave - UUFOH